The food inspection board gives this place a B. Dana and I give it an F. I don't know what Ronnie is selling here but it certainly isn't donuts. This shop has always caught our eye with it's prominent location and kitschy signage, and I assumed a donut shop adjoined to the Pantages theatre would certainly be somewhat decent or even exciting. However, this journey only ended in disgust and disappointment. Dana and I entered but were bombarded with a seedy vibe, and while I scanned the available assortment of crusty over-fried nuggets, Dana searched for a milk that wasn't already expired. It immediately became apparent that this was the end. We both left angry, annoyed, and longing for something to fill the void that only donuts on a sunday morning can fill. Rather than committing to the review of this establishment, we can only offer a stern warning to those considering a trip to Ronnie's.
It should be simple: Excellent location, easy menu, and high foot traffic should all add up to success- yet, something got lost along the way. Ronnie apparently decided to sell hotdogs, sandwiches, soup, and soda to offset his measly selection of donuts all the while getting a B health rating. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't like the aroma of hotdogs mingling with that of a donut.
After Dana and I left, we walked down to a cafe and got 2 muffins and 2 coffees totaling 10 bucks... the bitter sting of defeat. I'm glad we were able to weed this one out, and hopefully our next outing will produce better results.
Nice. How does anyone really get a B rating? That's gross, and sad. Better luck next time!
Oh man, I'm psyched for this blog. LA is the undisputed Donut capital!
Perhaps an unnamed personage should firebomb this "Ronnie"? Perhaps that would teach this "Ronnie" a lesson?
"Ronnie" may be a middle-aged asian woman, however, i feel this is perhaps the best course of action.
As a fellow Donut lover, I thought I would spread this PSA to others.
**Public Service Announcement**
Your Fix Is In:
A certain upscale, green-logo'd mackaccino chain will be closing its doors on Tuesday night, February 26, for a mass barista training exercise (stop inhaling the retail, kids?).
You can tell your friends most likely to explode into a caffeine-withdrawal freak-fit that Dunkin' Donuts will be filling in with a 99¢ latte/cappuccino special from 1-10PM. And you know, chocolate-glaze donuts with pink sprinkles, 24-7.
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